Thursday 23 December 2010


Why why why why?

Ever found yourself in a situation and you ask yourself why? You know, one of those instances where you're like huh? WTH?? Where did that come from? There seems to be more questions than answers....

OK, here's the deal. Something that seemed so great and such a sweet deal at the start has a minefield of issues attached to it. Major ones! So in the interest of sanity, maintaining an ounce of professionalism, dignity and most of all my integrity, I decided to withdraw my involvement.

Draw your own conclusions. Call me what you like. But beware of the company you keep - cause I am!

Friday 10 December 2010

When it's right...

When something... whatever that 'something' may be, when it's right, when it's meant to be it's  EASY!

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Knowing how and when to say No...

So...things are REALLY picking up for my company, great! But how much is too much? Should I be compelled to say YES to every job/project/new client that comes up? After all we are in a 'recession', so turning down work would be seen as a punishable act...

To quote the famous line from the 1989 Kevin Costner film 'Field of Dreams' "If you build it, he will come'... well boy I built it and 'they sure are coming'. Coming left, right and centre. Part of me feels like yay business is doing so well. So many people are interested in the company and becoming a client and wanting me to work with them on projects. Another part of me feels like I'm being hosed down with cold water and I'm trying to catch my breath and the other part just wants five minutes to actually take in the fact that all of this IS actually happening and enjoy it and realise my own dream in my reality! (and breathe....)

Today I had a skype meeting with someone (think skype will give me 10% for mentioning them in my blog?? :op) and after the 'current project' was discussed the person went on to tell me about all their business ventures. Then came the question..."Would 'this new project' be something you'd be interested in working on? It's an international campaign which 'someone like you' could do with your eyes closed..."

My response - clear and simple was No!

Why you might ask? Well I said no because as much as it is important to grow the company client roster - quantity, I think the quality of service is more important and by saying yes to everything at the end of the day means I'll be spreading myself too thin and no-one really gets what they need. So I said thanks, but No thanks!

Friday 19 November 2010

Life Imitating Art

So, I recently landed a huge contract with a major London event with international reach.
Yay me!

But you know that feeling you get in your stomach when reality starts to set in and suddenly it goes from yay me to 'Oh sh*t - this is major!' Well that's what happened. Then a few days after getting the official nod from the organisation's CEO I received an email which put the fear of God in me.

The email said that I had to make a speech at their 'soft launch' event next month...eek!
Exit my appetite and sleep because the next morning my eyes shot open at 4am and I started working on their overall campaign and sourcing products for the VIP goody bags. I'm doing my best not to think about the speech...yet.

Here's the life imitating art part. When I'm working and brainstorming and trying not to get stressed, I often think about Helen Hunt's character in 'What Woman Want' when she got the job at the ad agency and then stopped sleeping altogether...
Ahh it will be all worth it in the end and the upside to no appetite is that I'll lose some pounds (lbs) and look a little better on camera because we all know it adds 10. Grr!

Friday 12 November 2010

I am but one person

Deadlines. Deadlines. Deadlines.
Question: If you've drafted the document but not sent it, have you missed a deadline that you set - not the other person?!

I have made a promise to myself to get it all done by lunchtime tomorrow. Come rain or shine.